Monday, 5 December 2011

angelic mermaid tribal tattoo : Qswitching the ink and skin art.

when i was designing tattoo one of my colleague actually saw it, and was like wow, u know how to draw and use illustrator, and you can draw tattoos? (hmmmm...yeah since i am writing a design and creative blog, most people must of taught i am a designer myself, but yes and no. in my normal hour in my working world, i am part of the creative industries, but i am in the servicing arm. For those who follow my post from the very beginning would have known this, but for most of the people who knows me, but not deeply would be surprise seeing me draw, especially when it comes to operating illustrator with vector design.)

Well i said yes, and she was like....ummmm can you draw me one, i am looking for something special for this part (below the neck) and i found this on the web, i like this already, but come to think about it, i wanted something more personal, as in not downloadable, or customized specially to fit my taste. and there she shown me a single sided open wing mermaid figure.

I was really amazed with the art already, and i do tell her, its alredy very good, but if u would want me to do, of course i could analyze and reconstruct another one, of course with qswitch'es tribal styling, basically, lots of hook, blade, razor and sickle with vented holes. but this is a challenge to me, as i never consider myself doing something with specially with a feminine stuff, but i could give a shot of soften some of the details.

This is the existing work from the works she got on net. ( to dear owner, no profit are made from this work, and it's all for personal use with admiration works, hope you don't see it as a plagiarism, your work is good, wished i could credit you)

Well, to create a tattoo design, there's a few area to consider:
1. the part you want it on
2. the choice of design
3. the size of the design

( i must give credit to eddy from borneo ink, he gave me an insight of this: everybody part has a special kind of design that fit it at it's best)

so after knowing all the detail: since the part where leann wanted to do, is below the neck, centralizing along the back bone area, i feel instead of a single opened wing, it would be better if the figure has both wing spread open wide, to maintain the balance.

the curving of the figure's of the body, has to be balance out as well. so when the tattoo owner heading out for special event or her special nights, she won't be caught in a weird situation where people ask her : emm, why you tattoo looks uneven, or unbalance on your back? emmm why dont both wing open wide? some of these might popped up, and bear in mind ( tattoo is a permanent proof of temporary insanity) u can't change it when u do it, unless u wanna go through paint or going through forcefully touched up, even some tattoo artist can do it very very good.

Comes the detail of the tatoo, it's is too detail, the current reference she gave me was a little bit too detail if u look at it the tail and lower body, with scales detail and lace pattern which is too fine for a 5-6 inch work ( or a size of an iphone). therefore i minus off those complex detail of course adding on my vented sickle and razor design.

Then i also imposed, whether she likes it more 3D, as far as i am concern, shading works hurts even more, so i did asked her on this, and personally i think polynesian and tribal tattoos always looks best when it's solid. (personal view)

and then i too change the hairstyle  to a permed curly hair styling, to bring out further on the feminism detail of the art. ( my POV). here's my work of personalizing the work.

image above is the artist impression on the sizing and how the tatoo would look like on skin.

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